Washington Irving’s Classic American Tales
Dive into the eerie world of Washington Irving with the timeless Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Set in 1790, this classic ghost story follows superstitious schoolmaster Ichabod Crane as he competes for the hand of Katrina, only to face his rival, Brom Bones, and the infamous Headless Horseman in a spine-chilling encounter.
This collection also includes Rip Van Winkle—a companion piece to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow—and other great short stories by Irving, a close friend of Charles Dickens and one of the first American authors to earn a living from his craft. Discover the origins of New York City’s nickname, Gotham, and even Irving's role in creating Santa Claus’s flying sleigh.
Perfect for fans of classic American literature, ghost stories, and the works of Washington Irving.